Penang: Malaysia's Hidden Treasure

Ahhh Penang...Images of heritage buildings and faded street arts are the first few things that usually pop out whenever I hear this place. But the truth is....there's more to these iconic landmarks in the state known as the "Pear of the Orient.'"

....From out of nowhere, Penang made it to my (updated) must-visit places in Asia, especially when I was featured in our magazine wherein the cover was the famous Old Motorcycle mural. Yes I fell in love with it in an instant. My feet itched more to step foot on this exotic holiday destination.

Fast forward and the next thing I know I was on my way to Penang. How was the trip? I am lost for words; for once, I wanted to be selfish and just keep everything inside my head... but I guess I can't. :)

Here are a few things to expect when visiting Penang.

Experience Colonial Past with Heritage Buildings

No need to book a trip to Europe to see well-preserved heritage buildings...errr...or should I say, a trip to Penang will suffice (for now) in satisfying your desire to see up close those vintage architectural structures - and is rather a cheaper option. Find reminders of Penang's rich history in the many historic buildings, especially in George Town area.

  • Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion (The Blue Mansion)

One interesting heritage building to check out is the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion. It's hard to miss it due to its distinctive external decorations and style with indigo-blue walls, which made it earned the name The Blue Mansion. This intricately ornate edifice is a boutique hotel and gained popularity among tourists who want to experience staying in a century old building.

Sadly during my visit, it was closed due to private event. T_T Anyway, there's always a next time.

  • Jetty Clan

A tour in George Town isn't complete without taking a trip to the Jetty Clan. It's a floating village that is the home to a different clan!

This scenic destination is a village with a row of rustic houses on stilts above the water and has been around since 19th century.

Embark on a Temple Run

Penang is a home to an array of temples, so if you are into these sacred places then a day won't be enough to visit each one. One temple that shouldn't be missed when you're in Penang is the oldest temple in the state.

  • The Kek Lok Si Temple

Known as the largest Buddhist temple in the country, the Kek Lok Si Temple stands on a hilltop near the Penang Hill. The temple is divided into three zones: the Rama Pagoda (7-storey pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas), the four supreme kings and the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin (at the top of the hill).

Be ready to climb steep steps at the temple but it's all worth it, especially with the spectacular view. Riding the cable car is the easiest way in reaching the top to check the gigantic statue of the Goddess of Mercy. From the hill entrance to the top, there are many souvenir shops selling various things ranging from mementos to clothes to food and drinks.

Enjoy Modern Attractions

Upon arriving in Penang, the first destinations that I visited were actually the so-called modern attractions or let say, modern-day museums.

  • Dark Mansion (3D Glow in the Dark)

From the name itself, you can already guess what to expect when you are inside. Almost everything inside glows in the dark. The designs are so cool especially the forest and the outer space spots.

  • Ghost Museum

I have prepared myself (actually my mind) for this destination. In the first place, I like watching horror films. So it shouldn't be that scary... right? I mean what's creepy about seeing different replicas of ghosts? They are just imitation for pete's sake! They aren't real! In fact it sounds educational...right? That's what I thought and i was wrong, so wrong.

Standing at the entrance of the museum, I feel like skipping this part. But I have to..uhmm cuz I paid for it and I just want to get it over with. ^_^ The first part looked familiar to me, probably cuz I heard similar creatures back home but still they look creepy. I survived the next few parts until we reached the zombie room...I wanted to rush back! But no choice... T_T ... Everything seemed real! The visual and sound effects were realistic that my hyper-active imagination started to function - what if zombie apocalypse happens, what will I do? Should I share a photo? uhmm.... I'll think about it. ^_^

Okay enough with the details... next!

  • Avatar Secret Garden

I must say, I was excited to check out this destination. It looks so pretty from photos then I saw it and got a bit disappointed. Probably I expected too much or it didn't match what I thought it would be. The place was okay - with colourful and vibrant lights. Nothing much to see but I like the seaside part, listening to the waves rushing to the shore and hitting those big rocks.

  • Made in Penang Interactive Museum

The museum is comprised of three parts. At the third floor, there are various 3D murals which gave fun effects when captured on camera. The last part was the beach mural and some gigantic traditional games. And my favourite is the first part where framed miniature of quick facts about Penang were displayed. It was so fun reading and learning history about the place.

Play Hide & Seek with Street Murals 

Love hunting? Then this activity is a perfect one!

One of the reasons why I have been drooling over to visit Penang is the street arts. My family do artistic works (and I mean arts like painting, sketching, murals, etc.) so I have been exposed to arts since I was young.. sadly I didn't inherit this skill so I am contented with appreciating masterpieces.

These murals are scattered all over George Town so tourists usually walk around from streets to streets to find them - there are also bicycles for rent. For first timer like me, it was like a scavenging mission to find these street arts under the scorching heat of the sun. Ahhhhh!!! After an hour or so, mission accomplished! ^_^ I left the area with a big smile on my face.

Other Exciting Activities

There are a lot of fun activities await in this lovely destination.

  • Hop on a trishaw

T'was my first time riding a trishaw...and I love it! After hours of wandering around George Town, we took a trishaw going back to the hotel. Trishaw drivers are everywhere, offering ride to tourist at a cheap price.

  • Indulge on a culinary adventure

Ahhhh food. Need I say more? Trying out the local food is a must do! Uhmmm did I try all? I forgot. hahaha.. When it comes to satisfying the hungry tummy, there's an ocean of food shops to choose from (will do a separate post for food).

  • Reward yourself with a rejuvenating massage

"I need a massage" is like a common phrase from me. I always go for a massage if I have a chance and I did. I have tried different types of massage and so far, the one I got was the best one. I think it was a traditional Chinese massage. One proof that I enjoyed it....I fell asleep. It was sooo good that my masseur needed to wake me up after the session. Thank you for the invigorating massage!

  • Shop till you drop

Want to shop on a budget? No problem! There are shops along the streets selling varied items, from clothes to bags to different kinds of souvenirs. They cost cheap and you can even bargain if you buy more. But take note that they close by 8pm so need to do shopping earlier. Otherwise, there are 3 big malls waiting for shoppers.

My favourite is the bookshoppe! Penang is a heaven for bargain hunters and shopaholics (budget shopaholics)!

  • Enjoy a 360 view from The Top

Want to see Penang from a whole new angle? Enjoy breathtaking views of Penang from The Top Komtar. There are different activities waiting at the top for everyone! Adventure seekers can try walking on the world's first curved skywalk - the Rainbow Skywalk, situated 249 metres above the ground.

I have tried skywalk before but it was just from the 37th floor. So this time, I opted to just feast my eyes on the panoramic view from the observation deck at the 65th floor. Such a lovely view!

  • Relax at Batu Ferringhi beach

My last destination in Penang was Batu Ferringhi. After touring and sightseeing, I deserve a break and just relax - do nothing. I stayed at Hard Rock Hotel and spoil myself with first-class service. Yikes!

I know the beach isn't as stunning as those blue-green beaches I've been; but for someone who's been living in a busy city and haven't been to a beach for quite a while, just the sight of the ocean water rushing to the shoreline is enough. I filled my lungs with ocean breeze and wished I could have stayed longer. With my book and sunglasses on my hand, I savoured the moment when my feet felt the sand pinching my skin.

What a vacation! These activities are just few of the many things you can do in Penang. What would you do when you visit this beautiful place?

'March 2019