Johor Bahru: A Day of Pampering

Taking a trip to Johor Bahru (JB) has always been my simplest form of escape from the crazy city life.. It has been energy-draining, mind-boggling and stressful weeks at work, and so I deserved a day of pampering without hurting my pocket.

Here are things you can do in JB that will spoil you, cost effectively.

  • Tea Break

Sure, you can find a lot of cafe shops offering delicious tea and refreshing drinks. But having a tea in JB was different.. why? because it cost less. >_< 

The tea was supahh good with a relaxing, unique ambiance and of course, cheaper. What more to ask for? Tea Day was a perfect choice for an afternoon chill. A glass of match indeed redefined my day!

  • Massage

Rejuvenate your body and soul through a relaxing massage. There are several massage shops in JB but some of these might not provide the much coveted relaxation. Through a recommendation, we found ILora. We read the reviews and found it good enough.

They offer a few packages and different single services. I opted for the Lymphatic Detox Full Body Massage package which was quite reasonable for 60 minutes at RM98. It was worth it and the masseurs were very friendly and customer oriented.

I am quite particular in choosing a massage shop. And I would say the ILora passed my standards. It was clean, from the towel to the beds to equipment. The overall service was commendable. I highly recommend this massage shop.

  • Food

After an invigorating massage, it was time to fill in our hungry tummy. Another dilemma existed... I couldn't decide where to eat with so many restaurants and food places mushrooming all over the place. Arg!!!

After wandering around, our options were narrowed down to two: French or Taiwanese. It was a difficult decision for me.. The French restaurant looked so cosy, but the aroma of the Taiwanese food was calling me... T_T

I picked the Taiwanese restaurant and so we went to Yi He Feng Food & Tea Culture. Oh my... the food was sooo amazing and I love the ambiance (will have a separate food post). The noodles that I got (forgot the name) was incredibly good that I finished my it (yes!).. ^_^

  • Night Bar

Another fruit of the research on where to chill in JB is this unique bar - Gin. Yup, the name suggests what to expect. All the drinks are gin based. Their menu included drinks based on birth month, and I must say, mine was pretty good.

But here's the catch...first-time customers must be vigilant enough to find the bar's entrance.

Finding the bar is never a challenge since it is situated above a cafe.... but it is well hidden that it'll likely took a few minutes to find its door. >_< Oppsss.. I won't spill any hint on how to discover it. That's for you to experience and enjoy... ^_^ And there's a private room that is concealed behind a wardrobe.. Curious now? Go visit it!

  • Danga Bay

Food.. check, drink... check, massage... check. Want more? Visit the vibrant Danga Bay park and be like a kid again. It looks more like a carnival with all the rides and sparkling lights. Ahhh so pretty! So many rides area available for both young and young at heart.

Oh yes we did tried a ride...>_< The park was big and filled with an ocean of colourful lights. There's limitless ride options available - from the chill train ride to spirit-lifting swinging ship. But what captured our eyes (my eyes) was the Merry-Go-Round, which I called carousel. Forgive this poor little girl, t'was her first time seeing it up close and personal. hahaha

The merry-go-round was truly eye-catching due to its intricate designs - it looks vintage. I wanted to ride it but it was too late already. Next time!

We wandered around for a few minutes.. then it was time to go.

And so, that's how I pampered myself at JB. Despite the long queue at the custom, everything was worth it with all the things I've experienced. I'll never get tired to going back.

Special thanks to the unofficial photographer and ever supportive partner in crime - youdabest!

See yah next time!

March '19