Golden View Hotel: Sweet Escape in Batam

Taking a quick trip to Batam somewhat became my temporary remedy for stress and boredom. I have been to this island a few times but I never get tired seeing it modest beauty over and over again. And so I went back.....

We took a package, via WeekendGoWhere, which included the day tour, massage, food and the accommodation. I would say the day tour + massage was okay, the food was magnificent.... and the accommodation was superb.

The agent gave us a few hotel options and we opted to stay at Golden View Hotel (4-star) for two reasons: first it suits the budget and when I say it fits the budget, it's really friendly on the pocket. As we searched for hotel reviews, we found some good feedback from previous guests which further influenced our decision to pick this hotel - and this was the second reason.

I was so surprised when I saw the room. It was spacious that 3 more single beds can fit in...or maybe 4? The interior had a classic touch - with wooden furnishing and earth-tone hue. One of my favourite parts was the couch sitting beside the glass wall overlooking the hotel's facade. Soo relaxing!

Choosing this hotel was definitely a good decision. Why? It has a bathtub. Yes a bathtub! My heart skipped a bit when I opened the bathroom and there it is... teasing me... enticing me to come near and feel its surface.. the bathtub. I could soak myself in the bathtub all day, err..okay maybe just a few hours.. ^_^ I was soo excited to bathe but we needed to go down and eat so.. wait for me bathtub.

Dinner was included in our package and we had it at the hotel's garden restaurant. It wasn't really a garden but more of a veranda with a pool view. The food was good, as expected. I maybe biased since I like Indonesian food. ^_^

After our dinner, we explored the hotel. The vintage car displayed in the middle of the hotel's lobby caught my attention. It was just so cute!

Golden View Hotel offers various amenities such as gaming area, souvenir shop, lounge area where an entertainer (singer) serenades the guests, restaurants and swimming pool. The free breakfast was served at the Cuppa Cafe - just beside the reception area. Sadly, we were not able to have our breakfast since we woke up late, uhm I should say I woke up late which is nothing new cuz I prefer sleep over food.. ^_^

I wanted to swim..I was ready - I brought with me my swimwear but we decided to explore the place so we went out and strolled around.

After a few hours of strolling, we went back to the hotel and discovered something interesting. Yikes! I wasn't ready for this... We found out that the hotel's basement had a karaoke place. We enquired the price then went up to our room and head back to the karaoke.

The hotel never failed to amaze me. Our karaoke room was big! It can accommodate more than 10 people! And there were just 2 of us... ^_^ The moment of truth! We sang our heart out for 2 hours.... It was soooo fun that I wished I could freeze the time.

We called it a day and went back to our room. Originally I planned to swim in the morning but I woke up late and decided to make use of the bathtub again...Yup I abused the tub at night after the karaoke then I filled it with water again in the morning.

By 12 noon, we needed to check out to catch our shuttle bus to the ferry station.

Overall, it was such a sweet escape - so fun and memorable. The Golden View Hotel was a reasonable option with a charming ambiance and helpful staff. So I highly recommend this hotel. And I want to go back......

Nov '18