Phillip Island: Great Adventure

Thinking of an exciting activity to do in Victoria? There are limitless, like going on a road trip!?

So we decided to drive to Phillip Island. It's around 3-hour drive from our place. Was the long drive worth it? Absolutely Y-E-S!

Passing through the city freeways and oceans of farms with quiet superhighways leading people across the countryside. Every minute spent driving was worth it. To get to Phillip Island, we headed towards the San Remo town - which connects to the island through a bridge.

San Remo is a beautiful town with picturesque view of the ocean and laid-back surrounding. With Phillip Island situated next to it, the town has become a popular stop over to recharge from a long drive. But let's rewind a few minutes of our journey to meet and greet the cute and cuddly koalas at Maru Park.

Maru Koala & Animal Park

Located in Grantville in southern Victoria - around fifteen minutes from Phillip Island, the park houses koalas, kangaroo and other native animals in Australia. It also features Pirate Pete's Mini-Gold, souvenir shop, and the Homestead Bistro.

There were two things (or reasons) why I was sooooo excited to visit the park: First is the kangaroo and second is the koala. I know, I know.... it's kind of childish isn't it? But it was my first time to see these two animals up close! The child inside me couldn't wait to see them.

Inside the park, I didn't just meet a bunch of typical kangaroos but I was so surprised to see a white kangaroo! We even feed them! Was so impressed with their tail's strength - it provides a great support when they stand.

And the next.... the soft, cute and cuddly koalas. Oh my geeee.... They look and feel like the stuffed animals you can buy in stores. Yes koalas love eucalyptus leaves and enjoy sleeping.  Koalas are super lovely! *heart eyes*

Oh wait.... someone's showing off to the visitors. This peacock displayed its magnificent tail feathers. Love the colours!

Ticket prices are $20 for adults and $11 for child.

San Remo

After our visit at Maru Park, we headed to San Remo for a quick lunch (brunch actually). Ahhh the town is so lovely. Despite the chilly weather (hello Spring!), there were plenty of tourists in town.

Churchill Island Heritage Farm

From San Remo, we drove across the bridge and headed to our first destination on the island. Finding the Churchill Heritage Farm was a bit challenging - it's like in the middle of nowhere - seriously, it's quite far from the main road. A big thank you to our friend Waze for helping us find the farm. :)

All the bumps and dusts we encountered while driving towards Churchill Farm paid off when we saw the spectacular view surrounding it. It was like a paradise! Sheep, horses, geese, baison (was it baison?), and other animals were everywhere.

There's a lake on the island overlooking the ocean. If you want to make the most of the ticket you bought, you need to trek around the island to see a variety plants and different animals. I actually just explored a small portion of the island - I was contented staring at a flock of sheep eating the grass.

The bluish ocean water, green grass and the animals on the island simply took my breath away. Indeed, visitors will enjoy exploring the historical grounds and soaking up the tranquil scenery.

Tickets are $12.80 for adults and $6.40 for child.

Penguin Parade

The Penguin Parade is one of the most popular destinations in Phillip Island. Why not when you'll get the chance to see up close the adorable penguins?

After our Churchill visit, we were supposed to head over to Nobbies then the penguin show would be the last activity of the day. However, the Nobbies was jam-packed - overly crowded that we were not able to find a parking near the area! So we decided to postpone the Nobbies visit and went to the Penguin Parade instead.

For general viewing tickets, we were taken to our seats and waited for the time. It was late in the afternoon (past 5pm) so the sun was setting. While waiting, we enjoyed listening to the waves rushing to the shore, watching birds trying to catch food, and scrutinising surfers riding the curls.

Suddenly, the host instructed us to head back to the Penguin Parade centre due to the thunderstorms approaching. Just when we started walking, the rain poured. The viewing area was around 10 mins walk to the centre so we got wet. Later, the rain was gone and the show started - combining two show schedules so it was quite crowded. It was magical to witness the little penguins returning home at sunset.

Ticket prices are $25.70 for adults and $12.80 for child (general viewing). See other ticket options.

The Nobbies

Since we postponed our original schedule to visit the Nobbies, we made sure to check it out early the following day to avoid the crowd. But actually, we didn't escape the crowd. We arrived at the Nobbies at around 9:30am and there were a lot of tourists.

When I stepped out of the car, it was f******g cold! So we didn't waste time and walked towards the boardwalk to get a closer glimpse at the ... ocean..? They said, sometimes, tourists can see whales from the area. No whales that day :( Anyway, we just enjoyed the view.

From any angle, the views were spectacular. The waters slamming to the rocks, the vast azure ocean, the clouds... everything were picture-perfect!

At around 10am, we decided to head back to San Remo for our lunch.

One of the most memorable parts of the trip was seeing a vast land of farms with domestic animals freely walking around, resting and eating.

Overall, the entire trip was truly exciting and fun. An experience that I'll cherish forever and is worth sharing. :)

Have you been to Phillip Island? What's your favourite part?

Sep ' 17