War Remnants Museum: Memories

One of the places listed on our whole day Saigon tour was the War Remnants Museum

Okay, so I love history and anything related to it. But my first reaction was "why do I need to know about their war? I've had enough war thing in my own country..." So I wanted to stay inside the tourist bus and just let them explore the place. However, since it was part of our itinerary I decided to check it out.

This was the main entrance of the facility. We were outside the building listening to the instruction of our tour guide when something caught my eyes, something really interesting. But I didn't check it out yet - not yet. I wanted to save the best for last.

The facade of the 4-storey building (or was it 3-storey? haha). The museum was divided into different rooms with its own share of history. My friends and I started exploring the top floor downward. 

One of the rooms on the top floor housed these old canyons and missile launchers. I was so amazed scrutinizing these war remains.

In addition to the missile launchers, clippings from the Vietnam war were mounted on the wall. Situations of soldiers and civilians were captured on film and were displayed.  

More different type of war weapons and guns were displayed in the other rooms.

It's so fascinating to know what type of guns the soldiers used during the war.

Bombs, grenades, missiles and other form of explosives were safely stored inside the glass panels.

Different kind of missiles gathered during the war.

On the next floor of the building, more clippings were on display. I admit, at first I found these displays to be less interesting. But when I started reading more clippings and checking out images, I was engrossed. I felt pity. It seemed like I could feel the pain of the civilians and victims during the war. The images were very touching.

I couldn't help myself from feeling sorry for the civilians who were badly affected by the war, especially by the Agent Orange substance and those who lost their lives and families. Even young children and women learned how to use guns to protect and fight for their country. 

More images caught my attention and I continued reading and exploring. There were also photos of American soldiers.

My two friends looked like school girls having an educational tour.. They wanted to stay here and discover more.  ^_^

Among the many displays in the museum, the above photo was the one that truly touched my heart. I got teary-eyed looking at it. No need to describe. By just looking at it, you'll understand the horrible situation they've been through.

Then I realized we only have a few more minutes before we have to leave the museum. We hurried down to the ground floor, which I wasn't able to explore because I went to a different area to check out something.....

I headed to the parking area where different war aircraft and machine guns where stationed. These were the things that caught my eyes when I first stepped foot on this place.  I couldn't contained my excitement seeing these giants right in front of my face. 

Fighter planes used during the Vietnam war (1954-1975). My first time to see up close and personal these planes. woho!

So this plane was from the US Air Force.

A huge helicopter.. errr. helicopters are really big, right? ^_^


Another helicopter..

How I wished I could have hopped in.... I felt like a little child looking intently at those military aircraft. 

On the other side, various types of machine guns were on display. I really wanted to climb up and touch those machines but it's not allowed. So I was just contented at looking at them.

The War Remnants Museum was/is such an interesting place to visit. In fact we wanted to stay longer, but we were only given 1 hour to explore the place. Such a short time but still, it was worth it.

Most tour packages in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) include a visit to the museum.

Have you visited this place?

Sept' 14